JustFood Stops By For A Lunch Time Visit
JustFood Just in Time For Lunch
Dave Mergen, Executive Chef and Owner of JustFood rolled into Superior Woodcraft just in time for lunch today. It was day 4 of Superior Woodcraft’s return back to work since our covid-19 mandate was lifted for our industry in Pennsylvania. After 4 days of a new work routine the Superior Woodcraft team was pleased to see friends from JustFood and Chef Dave’s smiling face – behind a mask. Some of the Superior team was even more excited to taste JustFood’s famous pork sandwiches. Sorry Chef Dave, we have to be honest and you just make such good food that one can’t resist. In the words of Mike, one of Superior’s craftsman,”This is the best pork that I have ever tasted. I just love it.” I think Mike said that after his third sandwich.

Executive Chef – Dave Mergen “Smiling Dave”
After being apart for over a month and coming back to work to a much different environment some great food from JustFood and a visit from Chef Dave and his crew was uplifting today. Thanks for stopping by and delivering our lunch today. We hope to see your trucks rolling all over Bucks County delivering lunches to many others. Thanks for stopping in today and providing some uplifting nourishment.
Superior Woodcraft is a custom cabinetmaker in historic Bucks County Pennsylvania. The Superior Woodcraft studio is located in the Borough of Doylestown.