Rep Wendy Ullman’s Office – Collection Site for Needed Supplies
State Representative Wendy Ullman was one of the first people to contact Superior Woodcraft to reach for our community and inform us that her office has a community donation box for first responders at her office.
The specific request is for the Bedminster Police Department which needs Lysol and wipes. We are sure that many first responders will need additional items in the near future. Here are the basic needs:
Needed items: Lysol, wipes, hand sanitizer, surgical masks, N95 respirators, disposable gloves and various antiseptic products.
If you have any of these items or other items that first responders will need please mail them or drop them off at Representative Wendy Ullman’s office. Rep Ullman will make sure these products get to the first responders who need them.
State Representative Wendy Ullman
1032 N Easton Road
Doylestown, Pa 18902
(267) 768-3670
Thank you to everyone who can provide assistance our local first responders will be very appreciative.

For Bedminster Police Dept and other first responders
Superior Woodcraft thanks all of our first responders for the brave work fighting covid-19