PECO Electrical Problems Idle Superior Woodcraft
On Thursday, March 29, 2018 several PECO electrical pole collapsed or were damaged at N Hamilton and Doyle Streets in Doylestown. The incident created a wide spread power outage, but most PECO customers had power restored within a few hours. Superior Woodcraft and surrounding properties will be without power until at least Friday, March 30th.

Downed Peco Pole on top of car – N Hamilton Street Doylestown, Pa
Superior Woodcraft’s physical plant did not receive any damage, but do to the loss of utilities Superior Woodcraft is not operating today. Superior Woodcraft will re-open whenever utility service is restored to the facility.

Downed Peco Electrical Pole – Intersection of N Hamilton and Doyle Streets – Doylestown, Pa

Downed PECO Lines at Superior Woodcraft, Doylestown